Preventive Maintenance 2.0: How Computer Vision is Changing the Way We Keep Machines Running 

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In several industries, preventive maintenance is being revolutionized by computer vision technology. It makes it possible to monitor equipment in real time, giving early indications of potential issues and lowering the possibility of unplanned downtime. Computer vision can examine equipment and spot wear and tear indicators like cracks, corrosion, and misalignment that may be fixed before they become more significant problems. 

Additionally, actions that were previously completed manually can be automated by computer vision, lowering human error and boosting productivity. As a result, productivity rises, and maintenance expenses drop. 

Computer vision

The goal of the branch of study known as computer vision is to make it possible for machines to comprehend and interpret visual data similarly to how people do. To do this, photos and videos must be captured and processed in order to extract useful information, like the ability to identify objects, spot patterns, and track motion. Algorithms and models that can analyze and interpret visual data are created using approaches from computer science, mathematics, and physics.  

Computer vision is a rapidly expanding field with a wide range of exciting developments and applications in areas like self-driving cars, facial recognition, medical imaging, and industrial inspection. The use of machine learning algorithms and deep learning networks has significantly increased the accuracy and reliability of computer vision systems. 

Computer vision work

In order to extract useful information from visual data (such as photos or videos), computer vision must first be able to capture that data. The following steps are often included in the process: 

 Using cameras, sensors, or other image-capture devices, the initial stage in the image acquisition process is to capture visual data. 

Pre-processing: Noise is removed, contrast is improved, and distortions are corrected in the collected photos.

 Edges, corners, and textures are among the features that are retrieved from the pre-processed photos. These characteristics serve as a basis for future analysis and are employed to represent the objects in the photos. 

 Object Recognition: Using a database of frequent patterns, the extracted features are employed to identify objects in the photos. 

Preventive Maintenance 2.0

The term “preventive maintenance 2.0” refers to the subsequent iteration of preventive maintenance, which makes use of cutting-edge technologies like the Internet of Things (IoT), big data, and computer vision to enhance the effectiveness and efficiency of maintenance operations. Instead of repairing issues after they have emerged, this maintenance strategy emphasizes foreseeing and preventing possible problems before they exist. 

Preventive Maintenance 2.0 aims to decrease downtime, lengthen equipment lifespan, and boost operational effectiveness in general. Organizations are able to proactively maintain their equipment, lowering the need for reactive maintenance and increasing overall cost-effectiveness, by adopting real-time monitoring and predictive analytics. 

Computer Vision is Changing the Way We Keep Machines Running

By giving actual tracking and early warning indications of possible issues, computer vision is revolutionizing the way machines are maintained. As a result, maintenance becomes more proactive, resulting in less downtime and a longer equipment lifespan. Key ways that machine maintenance is being altered by computer vision include:  

Computer vision systems have the ability to monitor machinery in real time, giving early warning signs of potential issues and lowering the risk of unplanned downtime. 

  •  Predictive Maintenance

Machine vision systems can forecast when maintenance is necessary by evaluating visual data from equipment, enabling proactive rather than reactive maintenance. In order to forecast when equipment may break down, predictive maintenance employs data analysis, machine learning, and Internet of Things (IoT) technology. Prior to a breakdown happening, maintenance should be carried out in order to decrease downtime, increase equipment efficiency, and cut maintenance costs. In order to monitor equipment performance and forecast prospective failures, predictive maintenance uses data from sensors, machinery, and other sources. This allows maintenance staff to proactively resolve issues before they result in equipment breakdown. 

  • Automated Inspection

 By automating formerly manual operations, computer vision can lower human error and boost productivity. The employment of technology, like robots, to carry out inspection duties that were formerly done manually is known as automated inspection. Automated inspection systems inspect and grade items or components, frequently in real-time, to find flaws or deviations from predetermined quality standards. They do this by using machine vision, image processing, and computer algorithms. Automated inspection aims to improve product quality, decrease inspection costs, and maximize production efficiency while minimizing human mistakes. Manufacturing, packaging, and quality control are just a few industries that can benefit from automated inspection systems. 

  •  Increased Accuracy

 Deep learning networks and machine learning techniques have greatly increased. One advantage of automating some processes or operations is increased accuracy. In automated inspection, as opposed to manual inspection, products or components are examined by machines and algorithms, which increases accuracy. Automated inspection systems can grade flaws with great consistency and accuracy, minimizing the possibility of human mistakes and producing more reliable results. Automated inspection systems can handle massive amounts of data and interpret photos more quickly than humans, making examinations more effective and efficient. The overall benefit of automated inspection is greater accuracy, which is one of the factors contributing to its growing adoption in a variety of industries. 

  • Enhanced Visual Inspection

 When doing visual inspections, computer vision systems can detect problems like cracks, corrosion, and misalignment more effectively and correctly than human inspectors. Enhanced visual inspection is the process of enhancing visual inspection through the application of cutting-edge imaging technologies and computer algorithms. Enhanced visual inspection uses machine vision and computer vision technologies in the context of automated inspection to analyze photos, find flaws, and accurately grade products. It is simpler to spot even minute flaws when using advanced imaging technology, such as high-resolution cameras and lighting systems, which may offer detailed views of items or components. Additionally, algorithms on computers may examine the photographs and extract pertinent data, saving time and effort compared to hand inspection. Enhanced visual inspection is a crucial part of automated inspection systems and enhances the speed, accuracy, and efficiency of the inspection process overall. 

  • Better Data Analysis

 Platforms for video processing are capable of gathering and analyzing massive amounts of data, revealing insights that were previously impractical. As a result, decisions are made better and maintenance plans are more successful. Another advantage of automated inspection is better data analysis. Large volumes of data can be generated by automated inspection systems from sensors, cameras, and other sources, offering insightful information about the caliber of components or finished goods. Then, using machine learning and data analytics techniques, this data may be examined and processed to produce information that is more thorough and accurate than that obtained by manual review. For instance, the information gathered by automated inspection systems can be utilized to spot patterns and trends, spot problems before they become serious, and enable root cause investigation. Improved data analysis can also result in continual improvement because data insights can be used to streamline the inspection procedure and raise the standard of the final product. One significant benefit is the capacity to instantly examine massive amounts of data. 

  •  Enhanced Safety

 Technologies to feature extraction lower the danger of injury to maintenance personnel and enhance overall safety by automating jobs that were once completed manually. One advantage of automating some procedures, particularly inspection, is increased safety. Automated inspection systems are capable of carrying out activities that would be dangerous or challenging for human personnel, therefore lowering the possibility of accidents or injuries. Automated inspection systems, for instance, can conduct inspections in risky regions without endangering human workers, such as high-heat or high-radiation zones. Additionally, repeated or physically taxing jobs can be carried out by automated inspection systems, lowering the possibility of strain accidents for human workers. Automated inspection systems can increase workplace safety by eliminating the need for human personnel to carry out these activities and thereby foster a safer working environment. The overall benefit of automated inspection is increased safety, which is a crucial factor to take into account while deploying these systems in various 

  • Remote monitoring

 Machinery is made possible by the integration of computer vision systems with Internet of Things (IoT) devices, which eliminates the need for on-site inspections and speeds up the response time to any problems. Remote monitoring is the practice of remotely monitoring and controlling items or systems from a distance using technology. Remote monitoring gives maintenance personnel the ability to remotely monitor equipment performance, identify prospective faults, and carry out maintenance operations in the context of predictive maintenance. Sensors, Internet of Things (IoT) gadgets, and other technologies that offer real-time data and remote access to equipment can be used for this. The time and expenses associated with on-site visits can be cut in half thanks to remote monitoring, which enables maintenance staff to carry out inspections and maintenance chores without having to be physically present. Furthermore, remote monitoring can aid in the early detection of possible difficulties, enabling maintenance staff to handle problems before they worsen and result in equipment failure. A crucial component is remote monitoring.

  •  Cost savings

Computer vision systems extend equipment life and cut down on downtime. Another equal opportunity to succeed of predictive maintenance is cost reduction. Predictive maintenance can cut down on the need for expensive equipment replacements, unplanned downtime, and emergency repairs by predicting equipment failure and performing maintenance before it happens. Reduced maintenance expenses, decreased repair expenses, and increased equipment efficiency can all contribute to these cost benefits. In order to reduce the need for preventative maintenance and free up resources for other duties, predictive maintenance can also help to optimize maintenance schedules. Predictive maintenance can also help to increase overall production efficiency, resulting in greater income and cost savings, by lowering the need for emergency repairs and unscheduled downtime. Cost savings are a major advantage of predictive maintenance and one of the principal factors behind its adoption. 


The use of computer vision in maintenance has a bright future and is full of potential. Computer vision systems are anticipated to become progressively more complex and advanced as technology develops, resulting in increased productivity, accuracy, and cost savings.

The possibility for significantly enhancing the capabilities of computer vision systems and revolutionizing how machines are maintained lies in the combination of computer vision technology with other cutting-edge technologies like artificial intelligence, the Internet of Things (IoT), and machine learning. 

We can anticipate the widespread use of computer vision technology in maintenance procedures across a range of industries in the future, which will boost operational effectiveness, decrease downtime, and boost production. 


In conclusion, Preventive Maintenance 2.0 is transforming the way machines are maintained by utilizing computer vision technologies. Computer vision systems are enabling a more proactive and data-driven approach to maintenance by offering real-time monitoring, predictive maintenance, and increased accuracy. This results in improved safety, decreased downtime, longer equipment lifespan, cost savings, and greater sustainability. The role that computer vision technology plays in maintenance is likely to continue to grow in significance and use as the field develops. 

Who Are We?

Apture is a no-code computer vision deployment platform that allows the integration of AI-based algorithms to improve monitoring, inspections, and automated analysis throughout a workplace in multiple industries. Our core focus remains on improving the safety, security, and productivity of an environment through computer vision. We offer products in multiple categories such as EHS, security, inspections, expressions, etc. that can be leveraged by businesses in a variety of industries to stay compliant, and safe and increase ROI with AI. Have a look at our platform and get a free trial today. 

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