How Is AI Reinventing Healthcare For People With Depression 

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One of the latest technologies emerging in the healthcare industry is artificial intelligence which has been showing positive & promising results in recent times. Today, patients have various access methods to AI-assisted healthcare. Such apps and software can be used to schedule appointments, to detect symptoms of depression and other illnesses.  

With the rise in demand for healthcare services, these new technological advancements can help this sector with issues that were previously the reason for many people not recurring for mental health professionals, like stigma and costs for example. Next, we will look at a few of them. 

What AI Can Offer to Mental Health Treatment:

It is considered that emotionally safe people tend to be responsive, engaging, and accessible. Programmers and researchers tend to bring these qualities in what they call “emotionally focused therapy”.  

Improved engagement

A thing about AI that makes it more accessible is that it does not require sleep, or it may have a busy schedule, its 24/7 service can improve the way people work out their time around therapy and daily activities.  With its data collection feature, AI is also able to establish rapport with users that match different personas, this data later enables it to deliver better responses in the sessions. 

Being anonymous

Most users like the anonymity that technology may offer and treasure their privacy. Given the delicate and private nature of the information exchanged in therapy and counseling, apps utilizing AI that allow users to utilize their accounts anonymously may be an appealing resource. 


The absence of carers in rural regions, the stigma attached to mental illness, and emotions of fear, guilt, or shame that may prevent someone with depression from reaching out to others are just a few of the issues that AI-based depression tools want to address. 

Connecting people

AI may connect people to the assistance they require in circumstances where they would not otherwise have access, in addition to fostering an emotional connection. Resources for mental health can be scarce in rural and distant places. 

Additionally, the community’s needs may exceed what the current resources can handle. People who live in locations with little to no inexpensive, accessible, and available help may find some solace in being able to use artificial intelligence-designed mental health tools.

Now that we have seen a few ways that AI has been helping and making significant advances in the healthcare sector, let’s also look at a few key players and what are they approach to the market.  


Sentiment analysis is the technique of applying natural language processing to text samples to ascertain if and to what extent the stated sentiments are favorable or negative. Businesses frequently utilize this method to examine online reactions to their goods or services.

An approach that is dominating nowadays involves pre-trained models and transfer learning. You can combine those two with last-mile training in which you add your data, thus so, customizing it in your way and getting the desired accuracy.

A business may offer a solution for the hotel sector that includes a particular set of taxonomies. It comprehends the organizational structure of the entity being evaluated and knows that a hotel contains rooms, services, and a restaurant.

However, it may not be aware of certain brandings, such as Hilton Hotels’ Hilton Honors rewards program, or other details. Historically, role sets and taxonomies could be customized to provide such kind of last-mile training. Today, transfer learning is used.

These AI apps for depression are intriguing and may be helpful because they allow one to discuss mental health in private and give them the freedom to do it whenever it is convenient and from their location.  

Voice & Audio

In the past, NLP and sentiment analysis has dominated the industry, and NLP accuracy technology is always evolving. The energy in the voice, the pauses, the intonation, and the full range of signals that aid in deciphering the intentions, aims, and emotions that individuals in conversations have all been the focus of organizations in parallel. 

These two data streams combine for the first time. The ability to integrate the knowledge of NLP with the truthful signal may represent a technological advance because it will provide us a way to comprehend and enhance the emotion in discussions moving forward. 

Multimodal & Video

Companies like Apture use video and AI assistance in cameras that can analyze in a way that traditional methods cannot, this technology can detect things such as people with bad intentions from symptoms of early diseases like depression. 

It is important to consider external factors such as movement, changes in lighting, facial hair/accessories, and skin pigment as well. Deep learning is a component to make sure that the video & multimodal approach is accurate even considering the external factors. 


AI is an undeniable force with proven potential to revolutionize the healthcare industry in the years to come, also showing a gain in momentum with new users joining their apps of choice to access mental healthcare, which is a good sign in an era that more and more people suffer from depression due to many reasons.

The new advances offer to this day: are accessibility, the option to be anonymous, de-stigmatization, and it connects people in remote places to mental health care in a convenient manner.  It is possible to use different approaches such as text, audio, and others, thus so, giving more options to people in which approach they would feel more comfortable with. 

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