How Is AI Helping In The Field Of Mental Health 

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According to the American Society for Clinical Pharmacology and Therapeutics, AI, as it has been called, is a promising hope for psychiatry. Its use can predict before a doctor prescribes, which drugs will affect each patient. 

However, there is still a long way to go in terms of scientific research before this goal is fully achieved. Through artificial intelligence, pharmacogenetic tests are evaluated that map the patient’s DNA and indicate how different genes react to drugs. This information will undoubtedly be of great help in psychiatric treatments. 

What about the role of psychologists? Will Artificial Intelligence replace psychologists?

We can see that the field of A.I. is developing rather rapidly and the opportunities to apply this technology in the field of psychology are also increasing. However, for this to happen several challenges need to be overcome such as, for example, research involving AI clinical interventions is still scarce, and therefore it is too early to predict the real impact or potential of this strategy in psychology. 

Will the profession of psychologists and others be all replaced by robots in the coming decades?

This technology has the potential to bring more and more benefits and improve our lives instead of destroying them and may help us with medical or psychological diagnoses, surgeries, and other aspects.  

There are already robotics and algorithms being designed to help in the above areas, and the trend is for them to help us more and more as they are refined to perform increasingly complex tasks. 

In fiction movies, we see people losing their jobs to robotic machines and computer programs, and if some effectively believe that this will be the future, others believe that we will adapt to this new reality because now, with each new technological development, people have been able to adapt and broaden their range of professions. 

Current and upcoming applications of technology with artificial intelligence will come and have a profound impact on the field of psychology and mental health in general. Professionals need to be aware of both the capabilities of the current use of this technology and its potential for the future. 

What are the benefits of using Artificial Intelligence in the field of Psychology?

The integration of A.I. in this area may play an important role in rebalancing the clinician’s workload, allowing more time for interaction with patients, which will improve the quality of care. Notably, practitioners need to invest a lot of time in reading the notes taken from previous visits to get a clear picture of the patient and their history. 

In this respect, A.I. could come in as a tool capable of analyzing human language for important information and could serve to summarize the important data from a given patient’s electronic health records. 

For psychiatrists and psychologists, this information could be presented succinctly at the beginning of each appointment, for example, by giving an overview of the various mental status tests that have been performed throughout the patient’s life, and the treatment that has been proposed. 

In addition to this, artificial intelligence when coupled with speech or video analysis could provide a summary of the patient’s mental state, which could be used as a complement to the mental state evaluation performed by the professional.  

One of the advantages is that this algorithm would be objective and we would not run the risk of variability between the different views of clinicians, but the authors propose its use as a complement to the evaluation made by a professional and not a substitute. 

Still following this logic of thought, programs that use A.I. could also be adapted to record the information collected during a psychology consultation or a psychological evaluation and automatically summarize the session, thus eliminating the need for professionals to make clinical notes at the end of the consultation/session. 

All these tools will certainly allow a deeper understanding of the patients, making it easier for professionals to be more available, helping the psychologist to be more dedicated to helping the patient find the right tools for his or her needs, and perhaps helping to shorten the duration of therapy. 

Similarly, some preliminary explorations are also being made for the implementation of therapy chatbots, which could simulate interaction with individuals in varying degrees of reality and are likely to become a mainstay of online mental health services, assisting in finding, for example, websites or apps where people can get help. 

Final thoughts

While several researchers are exploring the potential of using A.I. in this context, others make some caveats such as the fact that we should not assume that these new technologies like Apture can only have positive effects because the lack of studies also does not allow us to define whether they have negative consequences. 

For example, some patients may feel empowered by using apps that allow them to take control of their mental health through passive monitoring, which allows them to collect a lot of information (e.g., such tone of voice on calls, etc.) without the person being aware of it, others may feel as if their privacy is invaded or as if they are constantly being reminded that they are unwell. 

Furthermore, this technology may be appropriate and beneficial for one population but inappropriate for others, and more research is needed to understand the distinction and avoid any future mistakes. 

In the not-so-distant future, the use of technology using artificial intelligence may be more common than we can imagine. For this reason, psychologists and mental health professionals should be prepared to accept and even guide the use and research of this technology for the benefit of patients, the profession itself, and society. 

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