Face Blurring with AI
Detecting Faces and Blurring them using Computer Vision & Artificial Intelligence
How Beneficial Will it be ?
Apture.ai offers platform features that will help maximise your current impact.

Use CCTVs cameras
as an input

Deploy on premise for
Speed and Privacy
Key Features
Face Blur deployed with Apture has the following key features:
1. Instant blurring of the faces in video feeds.
2. Privacy protection of non-consenting individuals in a scene.
3. Face blurring won’t hamper implementing other use cases.

Apture.ai is a highly scalable and resilient enterprise-grade Deep Learning and Computer Vision platform, enabling enterprises to easily configure and deploy vision-based applications in days.
What makes Apture unique is our, one-of-a-kind Deep Learning platform. Our proprietary Artificial Intelligence technology has features that combine data, text, visuals, and acoustics /sound, creating a comprehensive deep-learning model to process and think like a human brain.
Our rich library of hundreds of pre-trained and configured models like Fire and Smoke detection allow Enteprises to address their enterprise, business and core operation’s needs
Use cases

Weapon Detection

People Count