AI, Emotions & Emerging Trends in Emotional AI 

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In a world where nonverbal language is as important, if not more important, than the words which are spoken, understanding what tone of voice, facial expressions, and gestures mean is very relevant. This is one of the roles of emotional artificial intelligence. 

Combining technology and human emotion recognition is a complex job, but it has potential in terms of user experience and digital relationships with the customer.

How can AI feel emotions?

Today, there are electronic devices equipped with artificial intelligence that can recognize voices and act on the commands they receive. 

Artificial intelligence is a technological advance that continues to grow and is proving itself as an ideal methodology for streamlining all kinds of processes, such as helping to collect and recognize data, as well as predicting consumer behavior, and even becoming a solution for immediate needs. 

However, research in AI points to a scenario where it not only reaches voice recognition but also emotions, by learning different kinds of tones. The technology also points to systems that can recognize gestures and the emotions they represent. In this way, data input from the user is loaded with emotional information, depending on the context and situation of the person interacting with an AI-equipped device. 

How is emotional AI benefitting the healthcare industry

From a technology viewed with suspicion, as initial claims pointed towards replacing healthcare professionals, AI has come to be seen as a new way to see and support diagnosis faster and one that never “needs sleep”. 

AI remarkable improvements in healthcare and medical diagnostics include maximized effectiveness in the workplace, along with a drop in overload for working professionals. 

The development of diagnostic devices using AI and IoT (Internet of Things) streamlines the process and enables remote patient monitoring even in locations where medical diagnostic support services are scarce or difficult to access. 

The use of AI and IoT allows a decrease in the costs of performing various tests, and also reduces the waiting time in obtaining results, while maintaining high-quality standards and ensuring the monitoring of biomedical teams in real-time. 

In this sense, to create an ecosystem for the development of AI in health it is important to network and involves health professionals, patients, and technology in the search for effective solutions with high clinical accuracy. Through these cooperation networks, it will be possible to build trust between the technology industry and the medical community. 

AI in medical diagnosis, aids and accelerates medical decision-making, management, administration, and workflows. It succeeds in diagnosing various conditions, flag abnormalities, helping healthcare professionals more quickly prioritize life-threatening cases, diagnosing cardiac arrhythmias, predicting stroke outcomes, and aiding in the management of chronic or acute diseases. 

In the never-ending story of customer education, a new chapter is beginning. We can see AI automating repetitive tasks with the development of automated consumer contact platforms and intelligent chatbots in this new emotional AI era. 

In some cases, this will realize the replacement of basic functions with intelligent AI, however, human intervention is nothing to ignore. Machines have the potential to meet the threshold, but the human component is a differentiating factor for customers who favor interaction with a person. 

And how are bots progressing? Bots enable an increasingly clinical understanding of the customer’s real-time emotional state (including their emotional associations to particular brands) and the emergence of empathetic services that, driven by cold hard data, provide more human and warmer interactions, at scale and on demand. 


  • Better AI assistants 

Chatbots and AI assistants may be able to handle many initial questions in place of customer service representatives, freeing them up to perform other tasks. 

  • The growing importance of social skills 

Although chatbots already have impressive levels of sophistication, in reality, emotional AI is made as workplace support. To use these technologies most successfully, staff will need to understand how they function. Knowledge of how a chatbot or AI assistant can help human employees will be an essential skill for someone working in customer service. 

  • New digital identities 

In real-time for webinars, online job fairs, and one-on-one meetings, there are new methods to interact using a digital representation of yourself and your physical expression as this technology develops. E.g Metaverse.

Trends in Healthcare

If done properly, emotional AI may improve the way humans interact with machines and vice-versa, potentially opening doors to revolutionize many sectors and industries. Know about some of its latest trends in the healthcare industry: 

  • AI to help with Autism and other mental disorders 

AI technology like Apture can be used to interpret, read, and monitor human emotion (such as Apture). Through efficient communication with others around them and video conferencing, emotional AI enables autistic persons to better comprehend their feelings. 

Voice analysis is a powerful tool that emotion AI software may employ to help clinicians diagnose a range of mental illnesses, including dementia and depression. This use of Emotional AI is useful for prenatal care as well, where it may be used to assess pregnant women’s emotional health and take prompt action to assist them in resolving their mental health difficulties. 

  • Using AI to predict and prevent heart attacks 

Utilizing clinical data from patients, AI can find new risk factors and can provide patients with a heart risk score without a thorough physical, allowing for the early diagnosis of the disease. 

There are numerous initiatives and projects underway to make the best use of AI to advance the healthcare industry, but there are some significant obstacles to be aware of, such as the requirement for a significant amount of correct data. Without explicit authorization, patient data should not be used or misused. The use of patient data to build AI-based algorithms and models to enhance the quality of life should be made clear to patients. 

  • AI in drug research 

Drug research is another area where AI technologies are being used more and more. Helix, a start-up in artificial intelligence, employs machine learning to reply to conversational questions and requests, enabling researchers to work more effectively, enhance lab safety, keep up with current research, and manage inventory. 

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