AI and Computer Vision helps improved
Cargo Capacity Utilization

Photo by Owen Beard on Unsplash


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In the upcoming years and decades, artificial intelligence( AI) will undoubtedly become a fundamental part of all modern software. It is truly an innovative piece of computer science. Both a threat and an opportunity are presented by this. To improve both offensive and defensive cyber operations, AI will be used. New methods of cyberattack will also be developed to exploit AI technology’s unique flaws. Finally, AI’s appetite for massive amounts of training data will highlight the value of data, redefining how we should approach data protection. To ensure that this revolutionary technology will result in widespread safety and prosperity, prudent governance at the global level is crucial.


Computer Vision vs. Artificial Intelligence

It’s important to remember that artificial intelligence and computer vision are not the same things. Both types of technology are intended to improve our quality of life, but they are not the same. In the field of computer science known as artificial intelligence, machines display behavior that resembles that of humans. Making decisions based on how we humans would interpret a situation, learning from experience, comprehending language, conversing with people and other machines, and even coming up with novel solutions to problems are all examples of this. In the meantime, computer vision aids in the world’s perception. This entails software that carries out image processing tasks, which are already possible for computers and is where AI excels.


AI's effects on information technology

New developments have been made to address and optimize numerous fundamental issues facing the IT industry as a result of the industry’s adoption of AI technologies and digital transformation. For almost every industry, AI is at the forefront of development, with Information Technology being one of the first. By increasing productivity, efficiency, and quality assurance, the integration of AI systems with W. T. has helped lessen the burden on developers. With the help of AI’s advanced algorithmic functions, it is now possible to develop and deploy IT systems on a large scale, which was previously virtually impossible.

Artificial Intelligence and Cargo

With the help of computer vision (CV) and artificial intelligence (AI) technology, camera footage can now be accurately evaluated to produce insightful business data. For instance, tracking the cargo is essential in the highly standardized logistics sector to cut down on wasted space, increase worker safety, and spot moves that can harm the cargo and the vehicle.

The secret to a resilient and flexible supply chain is AI-powered capacity planning.

All pertinent production factors, such as the workforce, facilities, production schedules, finances, and supplies, are taken into account when developing AI-powered capacity planning strategies. Manufacturers can increase productivity and monitor all production costs using these techniques, especially during boom and bust cycles. You might want to change your mind if you believe that capacity planning only applies to large businesses. Effective capacity planning is also required for small and medium-sized businesses. Decision-makers can view their capacity at various operational levels and keep the supply chain in balance by automating capacity planning through AI. Automated capacity planning gives businesses a flexible strategy and offers both local and global perspectives on capacity. As your capacity planning solution forecasts demand, capacity planning acts as the input for other production functions which includes demand management, aggregate planning, scheduling, and shop floor control.

How computer vision-based truck load optimization can simplify deliveries

One of the most difficult tasks faced by trucking and shipping companies is load planning and execution. When done correctly, it enables businesses to offer competitive prices while still being profitable. The million-dollar question, however, is how to optimize truck loads. It is now more useful because cutting-edge technologies aid businesses in optimization. Let’s assess the method.

  1. RPA for load-planning:

Consolidating several shipments is part of load planning to increase each truck’s capacity. By lowering the number of trucks on the road, operational efficiency is increased. Different factors, such as destination and the type of products( perishables would need a truck with refrigeration), must be taken into account in order to load the maximum number of boxes into the container. Based on cargo type, destination, size, and vehicle capacity, robotic process automation can be used to mix and match loads. This task is very repetitive and based on rules.

  2. RPA will abide by transportation laws:

Trucks must be certified to transport goods( for example, to ship non-radioactive hazardous material, trucks require certifications from Governing Bodies); trucks must also be approved for transporting goods across multiple national borders, particularly for pharmaceuticals and manufactured goods, by submitting requests with the necessary information and following up to receive approvals on time. Trucks wouldn’t be held up at borders, which would cause deliveries to be delayed.

  3. Computer vision for on-demand loading       monitoring:

Using computer vision, the entrance of the truck into the warehouse, the length of time it takes to load, and whether the load matches the anticipated load can all be tracked, and any inconsistencies may be promptly reported to the loading supervisor. Computer vision technology can also be used to analyze images of the box labels and palette labels in order to compare them with Warehouse Management Systems and update daily stock levels and warehouse space availability. 

Who Are We?

Apture is a no-code computer vision deployment platform that allows the integration of AI-based algorithms to improve monitoring, inspections, and automated analysis throughout a workplace in multiple industries. Our core focus remains on improving the safety, security, and productivity of an environment through computer vision. We offer products in multiple categories such as EHS, security, inspections, expressions, etc. that can be leveraged by businesses in a variety of industries to stay compliant, and safe and increase ROI with AI. Have a look at our platform and get a free trial today.

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